V0.4 Progress report #1 - new UI

Hi everyone!

I'm neck deep in javascript as I write this, trying to convince RPG Maker to support full touch controls, I have some partials wins and some failures, but I'm making steady progress nonetheless.

It's a very coding heavy struggle but I think it's absolutely necessary to do this if the Game is supposed to be playable on all sorts of devices in the future, not just on desktop PC.

Hopefully you will find the new UI more intuitive and easier to use than the current UI. I will include option to switch between new UI and old UI at will, based on what feels best for you.

Besides just doing the touch UI I also rescaled various parts of the menu and adjusted positions of certain windows and functions, so in the future the Game can also be experienced fully on mobile devices.

It will still take some time to finish the UI and then I will finally move into making all the new content for Maiden of Boobs. (so looking forward to writing dialogues and doing graphic again, this new UI is making my head boil, so much heavy coding)

Cheers to all of you for supporting the Game!

Mr. Palm

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